.. _zerocloud-snakebin: Example Application Tutorial: Snakebin ====================================== Snakebin is a combination of `Pastebin `_ and `JSFiddle `_, for Python. It allows a user to create and store Python scripts in ZeroCloud, retrieve them using a unique URL, and execute them through a web interface. Essentially this is a copy of the `Go Playground `_, but for Python. In this tutorial, we will be building the entire application from scratch and deploying it to ZeroCloud. The result will be a web application, complete with a REST API and a basic UI written in HTML and JavaScript. The entire backend for the REST API will be implemented in Python. Overview -------- Jump to a section: - :ref:`Part 1: Upload/Download Scripts ` - :ref:`Part 2: Execute Scripts ` - :ref:`Part 3: Search Scripts ` We will build the application in three parts. In the :ref:`first part `, we will implement a REST API for uploading and downloading Python scripts to/from ZeroCloud. We will also implment a basic UI to interact with the REST interface in HTML and JavaScript. In the :ref:`second part `, we will add execution functionality to the API, as well as a "Run" button to the UI to execute code. The secure isolation of ZeroVM will ensure that any arbitrary code can run safely. In the :ref:`third and final part `, we will implement a parallelized MapReduce-style search function for searching all existing documents in Snakebin. The search function will be driven by yet another addition to the API and will include a "Search" field in the UI. Setup ----- The first thing you'll need to do is set up a :ref:`development environment `, including the ``python-swiftclient`` and ``zpm`` command line tools. Next, you should create a working directory on your local machine. In this tutorial, we will put all project files in a directory called ``snakebin`` inside the home directory. Change to this directory as well. .. code-block:: bash $ mkdir $HOME/snakebin $ cd $HOME/snakebin Swift Container Setup --------------------- To deploy and run the application, we'll need three containers: * ``snakebin-api``: This will serve as the base URL for REST API requests. This container will only contain the HTML / JavaScript UI files. * ``snakebin-app``: This will contain all of the application files, except for the UI files. * ``snakebin-store``: This will serve as our document storage location. No direct access will be allowed; all documents must be accessed through the REST API. Go ahead and create these containers now. You can do this using the ``swift`` command line tool: .. code-block:: bash $ swift post snakebin-api $ swift post snakebin-app $ swift post snakebin-store Double-check that the containers were created: .. code-block:: bash $ swift list snakebin-api snakebin-app snakebin-store Add ``zapp.yaml`` ----------------- The next thing we need to do is add the basic configuration file which defines a ZeroVM application (or "zapp"). ``zpm`` can do this for us: .. code-block:: bash $ zpm new --template python This will create a ``zapp.yaml`` file in the current directory. Open ``zapp.yaml`` in your favorite text editor. Change the ``execution`` section .. code-block:: yaml execution: groups: - name: "" path: file://python2.7:python args: "" devices: - name: python2.7 - name: stdout to look like this: .. literalinclude:: part1/zapp.yaml :language: yaml :lines: 3-14 :emphasize-lines: 3,5,9-12 Edit the ``bundling`` section .. code-block:: yaml bundling: [] to include the source files for our application (which we will be creating below): .. literalinclude:: part1/zapp.yaml :language: yaml :lines: 26 Finally, we need to specify third-party dependencies so that ``zpm`` knows how to bundle our application: .. literalinclude:: part1/zapp.yaml :language: yaml :lines: 28-32 The final result should look like this: .. literalinclude:: part1/zapp.yaml :language: yaml .. _snakebin_part1: Part 1: Upload/Download Scripts ------------------------------- First, we need to build an application for uploading and retrieving scripts, complete with a basic HTML user interface. Before we dig into the application code, let's think about our API design. .. _snakebin_ul_dl_api: REST API ++++++++ For the time being, we only need to support a few different types of requests: ``GET /snakebin-api``: Get an empty HTML form for uploading a script. ``POST /snakebin-api``: Post file contents, get a ``/snakebin-api/:script`` URL back. ``GET /snakebin-api/:script``: Retrieve uploaded file contents. If a request specifies the header ``Accept: text/html`` (as is the case with a web browser), load the HTML UI page with the script textarea populated. For any other ``Accept`` value, just return the raw script contents. The Code ++++++++ ZeroCloud provides a CGI-like environment for handling HTTP requests. A lot of what follows involves setting and reading environment variables and generating HTTP responses from scratch. http_resp ......... Since generating HTTP responses is the most crucial part of this application, let's first define utility function for creating these responses. In your ``snakebin`` working directory, create a file called ``snakebin.py``. Then add the following code to it: .. literalinclude:: part1/snakebin.py :pyobject: http_resp :emphasize-lines: 19 Notice the last line, which is highlighted: ``sys.stdout.write(resp)``. The ZeroCloud execution environment handles most communication between parts of an application through ``/dev/stdout``, by convention. To your application code (which is running inside the ZeroVM virtual execution environment), ``/dev/stdout`` looks just like the character device you would expect in a Linux-like execution environment, but to ZeroCloud, you can write to this device to either communicate to a client or start a new "`job`", all using HTTP. (In this tutorial, we'll be doing both.) For ``http_resp``, we'll need to import ``sys`` from the standard library. Add an ``import`` statement to the top of the file: .. code-block:: python import sys Job ... A "`job`" is defined by a collection of JSON objects which specify commands to execute, environment variables to set (for the execution environment), and device mappings. ZeroCloud consumes job descriptions to start new jobs, which can consist of one or more program execution groups. For the moment, we'll only be dealing with single program jobs. (In :ref:`part three `, we'll need to define some multi-group jobs to implement the MapReduce search function. But don't worry about that for now.) .. tip:: For complete details on structure and options for a job description, check out the `full documentation `_. Let's create a class which will help us generate these jobs. Add the class below to ``snakebin.py``. For simplicity, some Swift object/container names are hard-coded. .. literalinclude:: part1/snakebin.py :pyobject: Job This class makes use of the ``json`` module, so lets import that as well: .. code-block:: python import json GET and POST handling ..................... Now we're getting into the core functionality of our application. It's time to add code to handle the ``POST`` and ``GET`` requests in the manner that we've defined in our :ref:`API definition ` above. To make things easy for us, we can write this functionality as a `WSGI application `_ and use light-weight API framework like `Falcon `_ to implement the various endpoint handlers. We'll need to add a handful of new things to ``snakebin.py``: - a utility function to query container databases to check if an object with a given name already exists - a utility function to generate a random "short name", using script upload contents as the random seed - a couple of "handler" classes and some helper functions for dealing with the various types of requests - a ``main`` block which sets up the WSGI application and registers the endpoint handlers Here's what that looks like: .. literalinclude:: part1/snakebin.py :lines: 74- This codes makes use of more standard library modules, so we need to add import statements for those, as well as `falcon `_, a third party library. .. literalinclude:: part1/snakebin.py :lines: 1-12 :emphasize-lines: 1-2,4-7,9-12 Your ``snakebin.py`` file should now look something like this: .. literalinclude:: part1/snakebin.py ``get_file.py`` and ``save_file.py`` .................................... In ``snakebin.py``, there are some references to additional source files to handle saving and retrieval of uploaded documents. Let's create those now. ``get_file.py``: .. literalinclude:: part1/get_file.py ``save_file.py``: .. literalinclude:: part1/save_file.py User Interface .............. To complete the first iteration of the Snakebin application, let's create a user interface. Create a file called ``index.html`` and add the following code to it: .. literalinclude:: part1/index.html :language: html Bundle and deploy +++++++++++++++++ Bundle: .. code-block:: bash $ zpm bundle created snakebin.zapp Deploy: .. code-block:: bash $ zpm deploy snakebin-app snakebin.zapp app deployed to Setting an environment variable for the storage account ID will make commands more concise and convenient to execute: .. code-block:: bash $ export OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=AUTH_123def... Configure the endpoint handler zapp for ``snakebin-api``, ``snakebin-app``, and ``snakebin-store``: .. code-block:: bash $ swift post --header "X-Container-Meta-Rest-Endpoint: swift://$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-app/snakebin.zapp" snakebin-api $ swift post --header "X-Container-Meta-Rest-Endpoint: swift://$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-app/snakebin.zapp" snakebin-app $ swift post --header "X-Container-Meta-Rest-Endpoint: swift://$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-app/snakebin.zapp" snakebin-store We'll also need to set execution permissions for unauthenticated (anonymous) users on the same three containers: .. code-block:: bash $ swift post --header "X-Container-Meta-Zerovm-Suid: .r:*,.rlistings" snakebin-api $ swift post --header "X-Container-Meta-Zerovm-Suid: .r:*,.rlistings" snakebin-app $ swift post --header "X-Container-Meta-Zerovm-Suid: .r:*,.rlistings" snakebin-store Test ++++ Now that the first working part of our application is deployed, let's test uploading and retrieving some text. First, create a file called ``example.py``, and add any text to it. For example: .. code-block:: python print "hello world!" Now upload it: .. code-block:: bash $ curl -X POST -H "X-Zerovm-Execute: api/1.0" $OS_STORAGE_URL/snakebin-api --data-binary @example.py$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api/GDHh7vR3Zb The URL returned from the ``POST`` can be used to retrieve the document: .. code-block:: bash $ curl$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api/GDHh7vR3Zb print "hello world!" .. note:: Note that in the ``POST`` we have to supply the ``X-Zerovm-Execute: api/1.0`` header because this tells ZeroCloud how to interpret the request. Alternatively, you can change the ``/v1/`` part of the URL to ``/api/`` to make requests simpler, and also to accomodate simpler ``GET`` requests, using ``curl`` (as is shown above) or a web browser. We can also try this through the web interface. Open a web browser and go to ``$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api``. You should get a page that looks something like this: .. image:: snakebin_part1_ui.png :width: 400 Type some text into the box and play around with saving documents. You can also try to browse the the document we created above on the command line (``$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api/GDHh7vR3Zb``). .. _snakebin_part2: Part 2: Execute Scripts ----------------------- In this part, we'll add on to what we've built so far and allow Python scripts to be executed by Snakebin. API updates +++++++++++ To support script execution via HTTP (either from the command line or browser), we will need to add a couple more endpoints to our API: ``GET /snakebin-api/:script/execute``: Execute the specified ``:script`` and return the output as text. The script must already exist and be available at ``/snakebin-api/:script``. ``POST /snakebin-api/execute``: Execute the contents of the request as a Python script and return the output as text. The following changes will implement these two endpoints. The Code ++++++++ We need to add a couple of things to support script execution. First, we need to add a utility function to just execute code, and second, we need to update the endpoint handlers to support execution. First, we need to tweak ``_handle_script`` to support execution: .. literalinclude:: part2/snakebin.py :pyobject: _handle_script :emphasize-lines: 1,9-10 Next, add an ``execute_code`` utility function, which actually do the execution: .. literalinclude:: part2/snakebin.py :pyobject: execute_code ``execute_code`` requires the ``imp`` and ``StringIO`` standard library modules, so we need to import those: .. literalinclude:: part2/snakebin.py :lines: 1-14 :emphasize-lines: 3,9 Next, update the ``ScriptHandler`` class (to support direct POSTing of scripts for execution): .. literalinclude:: part2/snakebin.py :pyobject: ScriptHandler :emphasize-lines: 7- and add a new ``ScriptExecuteHandler`` class: .. literalinclude:: part2/snakebin.py :pyobject: ScriptExecuteHandler Finally, we need to register the new handler (and add a comment to explain some new behavior for ``ScriptHandler``): .. literalinclude:: part2/snakebin.py :lines: 224- :emphasize-lines: 4,6-7 Now we need to make some modifications to ``get_file.py`` to allow execution of a script. We need to read the ``SNAKEBIN_EXECUTE`` environment variable and execute a script if it is present. Update ``get_file.py`` to this: .. literalinclude:: part2/get_file.py :emphasize-lines: 12,15-25,30-33 We now need to update the UI with a "Run" button to hook in the execution functionality. Update your ``index.html`` to look like this: .. literalinclude:: part2/index.html :language: html :emphasize-lines: 42-68,77,80-85 Redeploy the application ++++++++++++++++++++++++ First, rebundle your application files: .. code-block:: bash $ zpm bundle To redeploy, we'll use the same ``zpm`` command as before, but we'll need to specify the ``--force`` flag, since we're deploying to an un-empty container: .. code-block:: bash $ zpm deploy snakebin-app snakebin.zapp --force Test ++++ First, let's try executing one of the scripts we already uploaded. This can be done simply by ``curl``ing the URL of the script and appending ``/execute``: .. code-block:: bash $ curl$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api/GDHh7vR3Zb/execute hello world! Next, let's trying posting the ``example.py`` script directly to the ``/snakebin-api/execute`` endpoint: .. code-block:: bash $ curl -X POST$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api/execute --data-binary @example.py hello world! Let's also test the functionality in the web browser. If you nagivate to ``$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api``, the new page should look something like this: .. image:: snakebin_part2_ui.png :width: 400 Try writing some code into the text box and click ``Run`` to execute them. Try also accessing the ``/snakebin-api/:script/execute`` endpoint directly in the browser using the same the URL in the POST example above: ``$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api/GDHh7vR3Zb/execute`` .. _snakebin_part3: Part 3: Search Scripts ---------------------- The final piece of Snakebin is a simple search search mechanism, which will find document which contain a given search term. All documents in ``snakebin-store`` will be searched in a parallelized fashion using the MapReduce semantics of ZeroCloud. API updates +++++++++++ The final endpoint we'll add to our API is ``search``: ``GET /snakebin-api/search?q=:term``: Return a JSON list of URLs to the documents (in ``snakebin-store``) which contain ``:term``. When this endpoint is hit, a MapReduce job of multiple nodes will be spawned to perform the search. The Code ++++++++ For the MapReduce job, we need to add two new Python modules. ``search_mapper.py`` .. literalinclude:: part3/search_mapper.py ``search_reducer.py`` .. literalinclude:: part3/search_reducer.py These two files will handle the bulk of the search operation. To kick off the search, we need to make some more changes to ``snakebin.py``. First, add a ``_handle_search`` utility function: .. literalinclude:: part3/snakebin.py :pyobject: _handle_search ``_handle_search`` needs the ``urllib`` module from the standard library, so we must import it: .. literalinclude:: part3/snakebin.py :lines: 1-15 :emphasize-lines: 11 Finally, we need to make one small tweak to ``ScriptHandler`` to hook in the search function: .. literalinclude:: part3/snakebin.py :pyobject: ScriptHandler :emphasize-lines: 4-7 Now for the final changes to the user interface: .. literalinclude:: part3/index.html :language: html :emphasize-lines: 69-92,97-102 We also need to update the ``zapp.yaml`` to include the new Python files. Update the bundling section: .. code-block:: yaml bundling: ["snakebin.py", "save_file.py", "get_file.py", "index.html", "search_mapper.py", "search_reducer.py"] Redeploy the application ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Just as we did before in :ref:`part 2 `, we need to redeploy the application, using ``zpm``: .. code-block:: bash $ zpm bundle $ zpm deploy snakebin-app snakebin.zapp --force Test ++++ First, let's try executing the search on the command line. (You should post a couple of a scripts to Snakebin first, otherwise your search won't return anything, obviously.) .. code-block:: bash $ curl$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api/search?q=foo ["$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api/IOFW0Z8UYR", "$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api/e2X0hNA9ld"] Let's also test the functionality in the web browser. If you navigate to ``$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api``, the new page should look something like this: ``$OS_STORAGE_ACCOUNT/snakebin-api``, the new page should look something like this: .. image:: snakebin_part3_ui.png :width: 400 Try typing in a search term and clicking "Search". Try also accessing the ``/snakebin-api/search?q=:term`` endpoint directly in the browser.