.. _zerovm-channels-io: Channels and I/O ================ All I/O in ZeroVM is modeled through an abstraction called "channels". Channels act as the communication medium between the host operating system and a ZeroVM instance. On the host side, the channel can be pretty much anything: a file, a pipe, a character device, or a TCP socket. Inside a ZeroVM instance, the all channels look like files. Channels Restrictions --------------------- The most important thing to know about channels is that they must be declared prior to starting a ZeroVM instance. This is no accident, and it bears important security implications. For example: It would be impossible for user code (which is considered to be "untrusted") to open and write to a socket, *unless* the socket is declared beforehand. The same goes for files stored on the host; there is no way to read from or write to host files unless the file channels are declared in advance. Channels also have several attributes to further control I/O behavior. Each channel defintion must declare: * number of read operations * number of write operations * total bytes limit for reads * total bytes limit for writes If channel limits are exceeded at runtime, the ZeroVM trusted code will raise an ``EDQUOT`` (Quota exceeded) error. Channels Definitions -------------------- In addition to read/write limits, channel definitions consist of several other attributes. Here is a complete list of channel attributes, including I/O limits: * ``uri``: Definition of a device on the host operating system. This can be a normal file, a TCP socket, a `pipe `_, or a `character device `_. For files, pipes, and character devices, the value of the ``uri`` is simply a file system path, e.g., ``/home/me/foo.txt``. TCP socket definitions have the following format: ``tcp::``, where ```` is an IP address or hostname and ```` is the TCP port. * ``alias``: A file alias inside ZeroVM which maps to the device specified on the host by ``uri``. Regardless of the host type of the device, everything looks like a file inside a ZeroVM instance. That is, even a socket will appear as a file in the virtual in-memory file system, e.g, ``/dev/mysocket``. Aliases can have arbitrary definitions. * ``type``: Choose from the following enumeration: - 0 (sequential read / sequential write) - 1 (random read / sequential write) - 2 (sequential read / random write) - 3 (random read / random write) * ``etag``: Typically disabled (0). When enabled (1), record and report a checksum of all of the data which passed through the channel (both read and written. * ``gets``: Limit on the number of read operations for this channel. * ``get_size``: Limit on the total number of bytes which can be read from this channel. * ``puts``: Limit on the number of write operations for this channel. * ``put_size``: Limit on the total number of bytes which can be read from this channel. Channels limits must be an integer value from 1 to 4294967296 (2^32). If a :ref:`ZeroVM manifest file ` (a plain-text file), channels are defined using the following format: .. code-block:: text Channel = ,,,,,,, Here are some examples: .. code-block:: text Channel = /home/me/python.tar,/dev/1.python.tar,3,0,4096,4096,4096,4096 Channel = /dev/stdout,/dev/stdout,0,0,0,0,1024,1024 Channel = /dev/stdin,/dev/stdin,0,0,1024,1024,0,0 Channel = tcp:,/dev/myserver,3,0,65536,65536,65536,65536