.. _zerovm-isolation-security: Isolation and Security ====================== ZeroVM has two key security components: static binary validation and a limited system call API. Static binary validation works by ensuring that untrusted code does not execute any unsafe instructions. All jumps must target "the start of 32-byte-aligned blocks, and instructions are not allowed to straddle these blocks". (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Native_Client and http://research.google.com/pubs/pub34913.html.) The big advantage of this is that validation can be performed just once before executing the untrusted program, and no further validation or interpretation is required. All of this is provided by `Native Client `_ and is not unique to ZeroVM. The second security component--a limited syscall API--is a major differentiator between plain NaCl and ZeroVM. In ZeroVM, only six system calls are available: - ``pread`` - ``pwrite`` - ``jail`` - ``unjail`` - ``fork`` - ``exit`` This minimizes potential attack surfaces and facilitates security audits of the core isolation mechanisms. Compare this to the standard `NaCl system calls `_, of which there are more than 50.