Introduction ============ The ZeroVM Package Manager, ZPM, is the tool you use to create and deploy ZeroVM applications. Creating a ZeroVM Application ----------------------------- We will use a simple Python application as our running example. .. note:: As of version 0.1, ZPM only supports Python applications with no third-party dependencies. To get started, we will show how to package a very simple "Hello World" application. There will be just one file, ````, with the expected content:: print "Hello from ZeroVM!" To bundle this into a zapp, ZPM needs a configuration file called ``zapp.yaml``. Configuration File """""""""""""""""" The ``zapp.yaml`` file will look like this: .. code-block:: yaml meta: Version: "0.1" name: hello Author-email: Martin Geisler Summary: A small Hello World app execution: groups: - name: hello path: file://python2.7:python args: / devices: - name: python2.7 - name: stdout help: description: A small "Hello World" app. bundling: - The file is in `YAML format `_ and describes the program to execute, some meta data about it, help about the program and its arguments (this program has none), and finally information about which files to include when bundling. The different sections are described in more detail in :ref:`zapp-yaml`. Bundling """""""" Simply running ``zpm bundle`` will create the ``hello.zapp``:: $ zpm bundle adding /home/mg/src/hello/ adding /home/mg/src/hello/zapp.yaml created hello.zapp You see the files added to the zapp --- here it's simply ```` together with the ``zapp.yaml`` file containing the meta data. You can now publish ``hello.zapp`` on your webserver, send it to your friends, etc. They will be able to run it after they deploy it like we describe next. Deployment """""""""" To deploy ``hello.zapp``, you need access to a ZeroCloud cluster (Swift running the ZeroVM middleware). For help on configuring ``zpm`` to access a ZeroCloud cluster, see :doc:`zerocloud-auth-config`. We will deploy it to a ``test`` container under the folder ``hello``:: $ zpm deploy test/hello hello.zapp deploying hello.zapp found token: MIIGjwYJKoZIhvcNAQcC... found Swift: http://localhost:8080/v1/account uploading 398 bytes to test/hello/hello.zapp updated test/hello/hello.zapp succesfully For testing, you can execute the job after it has been deployed:: $ zpm deploy test/hello hello.zapp --execute deploying hello.zapp found token: MIIGjwYJKoZIhvcNAQcC... found Swift: http://localhost:8080/v1/account uploading 398 bytes to test/hello/hello.zapp updated test/hello/hello.zapp succesfully job template: [{'exec': {'args': '/', 'path': u'file://python2.7:python'}, 'devices': [{'name': u'python2.7'}, {'name': u'stdout'}, {'name': 'image', 'path': u'swift://account/test/hello/hello.zapp'}], 'name': u'hello'}] executing Hello from ZeroVM! There currently is no support for executing the application later. `Issue #37 `_ deals with that. .. _yaml: .. _issue37: