ZPM Commands

The zpm script has the following top-level commands:

zpm new

Create a default ZeroVM application zapp.yaml specification in the target directory. If no directory is specified, zapp.yaml will be created in the current directory.

usage: zpm new [-h] [--with-ui] [--template {python}]
               [--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
Positional arguments:
dir Non-existent or empty directory (default: .)
--with-ui=False, -u=False
 Include user interface template files
--template=python, -t=python

Template to use for creating a zapp project (default: python)

Possible choices: python

--log-level=warning, -l=warning

Defaults to ‘warn’ (default: warning)

Possible choices: debug, info, warning, error, critical

zpm bundle

This command creates a Zapp using the instructions in zapp.yaml. The file is read from the project root.

usage: zpm bundle [-h] [--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
--log-level=warning, -l=warning

Defaults to ‘warn’ (default: warning)

Possible choices: debug, info, warning, error, critical

--refresh-deps=False, -r=False
 Refresh/re-download locally cached dependencies

zpm deploy

This deploys a zapp onto Swift. The zapp can be one you have downloaded or produced yourself with “zpm bundle”. You will need to know the Swift authentication URL, username, password, and tenant name. These can be supplied with command line flags (see below) or you can set the corresponding environment variables. The environment variables are the same as the ones used by the Swift command line tool, so if you’re already using that to upload files to Swift, you will be ready to go.

usage: zpm deploy [-h] [--execute] [--summary] [--force]
                  [--auth-version {1.0,2.0}] [--auth AUTH] [--user USER]
                  [--key KEY] [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL]
                  [--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME]
                  [--os-username OS_USERNAME] [--os-password OS_PASSWORD]
                  [--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
                  target zapp
Positional arguments:
target Deployment target (Swift container name)
zapp A ZeroVM application
 Immediately execute the deployed Zapp (for testing)
--summary=False, -s=False
 Show execution summary table (use with `–execute`)
--force=False, -f=False
 Force deployment to a non-empty container
--auth-version, -V

Swift auth version (default: 1.0)

Possible choices: 1.0, 2.0

--auth, -A (Auth v1.0) URL for obtaining an auth token (default: $ST_AUTH)
--user, -U (Auth v1.0) User name for obtaining an auth token (default: $ST_USER)
--key, -K (Auth v1.0) Key for obtaining an auth token (default: $ST_KEY)
--os-auth-url (Auth v2.0) OpenStack auth URL (default: $OS_AUTH_URL)
 (Auth v2.0) OpenStack tenant (default: $OS_TENANT_NAME)
--os-username (Auth v2.0) OpenStack username (default: $OS_USERNAME)
--os-password (Auth v2.0) OpenStack password (default: $OS_PASSWORD)
 Do not generate any authentication code for the web UI
--log-level=warning, -l=warning

Defaults to ‘warn’ (default: warning)

Possible choices: debug, info, warning, error, critical

zpm execute

usage: zpm execute [-h] [--log-level {debug,info,warning,error,critical}]
                   [--container CONTAINER] [--summary]
                   [--auth-version {1.0,2.0}] [--auth AUTH] [--user USER]
                   [--key KEY] [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL]
                   [--os-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME]
                   [--os-username OS_USERNAME] [--os-password OS_PASSWORD]
Positional arguments:
zapp Name of the zapp to execute
--log-level=warning, -l=warning

Defaults to ‘warn’ (default: warning)

Possible choices: debug, info, warning, error, critical

--container Swift container name (containing the zapp)
--summary=False, -s=False
 Show execution summary table
--auth-version, -V

Swift auth version (default: 1.0)

Possible choices: 1.0, 2.0

--auth, -A (Auth v1.0) URL for obtaining an auth token (default: $ST_AUTH)
--user, -U (Auth v1.0) User name for obtaining an auth token (default: $ST_USER)
--key, -K (Auth v1.0) Key for obtaining an auth token (default: $ST_KEY)
--os-auth-url (Auth v2.0) OpenStack auth URL (default: $OS_AUTH_URL)
 (Auth v2.0) OpenStack tenant (default: $OS_TENANT_NAME)
--os-username (Auth v2.0) OpenStack username (default: $OS_USERNAME)
--os-password (Auth v2.0) OpenStack password (default: $OS_PASSWORD)

zpm help

usage: zpm help [-h] [command]
Positional arguments:
command A zpm command

zpm version

usage: zpm version [-h]

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ZeroCloud Authentication Config

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The zapp.yaml File

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